"Mom? What's going on? Am I dead?" I squeezed her hand, prepared to hear the worst.
"No, silly boy. You aren't dead. When you wake up, you'll probably wish you were, but you are very much alive."
"If I'm not dead, why are you here?" I shifted in my seat to face her.
"I'm so proud of you. You risked your life to ensure the safety of so many people. I wanted to help keep the nightmares away by letting you know that everyone is safe and anxiously waiting for you to wake up." My mother gently cupped my cheek with her left hand, never relinquishing her hold on my hand. I leaned into her touch. Tears started streaming down my face.
"Why all of the tears, Edward?" she asked, rubbing soothing circles on my cheek with her thumb.
"I miss you so much, Mom. I don't want to wake up and have you gone."
"I'm never truly gone, sweetheart. You may not see me, but I'm always with you. You don't belong here with me. You need to wake up. There is a beautiful brunette holding vigil at your bedside. You've kept her waiting too long."
"Bella," I breathed.
My mom's face lit up with a beautiful smile, and she nodded her head. "Yes, son. Bella is worried sick over you. Please put the poor girl out of her misery and wake up."
I slowly stood up, and Mom did the same. I pulled her into the tightest hug I could manage. "I don't know how to get back."
"Just close your eyes and think of Bella. Let her guide you back. Just remember that I'm always with you and I love you more than anything."
"I love you too, Mom." She pulled out of my embrace and grabbed both of my hands and gently squeezed them.
I closed my eyes and thought about the love of my life. I remembered first seeing her asleep in her dorm room with that silly stuffed cat. She looked so angelic with the morning sun streaming on her face. I remembered the first time I felt the tingle of her touch after I saved her from tripping. The intensity of that tingle only grew with each new caress. I remembered the completeness I felt after we finally made love for the first time. I'd finally found my true other half.
My thoughts of Bella were slowly being interrupted by the sound of annoying beeping. I started to feel a dull ache all over my body. What the hell was going on? I started to turn my head and moaned in agony. The ache burst into all consuming flames of pain.
"Bella," I whimpered.
"Edward," she sobbed.
"It hurts."
"I know, baby. Let me call your dad. He can help you with the pain." I heard a faint click and then a woman's voice crackled through a speaker near my head.
"Can I help you?"
"He's awake. Can you please send Dr. Cullen in here fast?" Bella asked frantically.
"Sure thing, honey. He'll be there in a sec."
"Where am I?"
Before Bella could answer my question, the door flew open and my dad rushed to my side.
"Edward, it's so good to see you awake. How're you feeling?" Carlisle began poking and prodding all over my stomach. I cried out in pain. "Sorry, son."
"S'okay," I said breathlessly. "What happened?"
"Victoria gave you quite the beating. Your spleen ruptured. We were finally able to repair it after an extensive surgery. You also have three cracked ribs, a fractured skull, a concussion, and severe internal bruising." No wonder I couldn't breathe without feeling like my body was being ripped apart.
"How long have I been here?"
"You've been in the hospital for three days. We've kept you pretty sedated since you came out of surgery. Your body was extremely traumatized and it needed time to heal." Carlisle flipped through my chart and made notes as he spoke.
"Are Tommy, Bayleigh, and Charlie okay?"
"They are perfectly fine. You saved their lives, son." Carlisle was beaming with pride.
"Where is Victoria?"
Carlisle ran his fingers through his hair. "She is being held at the Forks Police Department. By the time Emmett and Jasper showed up with the cavalry, you were passed out and Charlie had Victoria subdued. She had been using chloroform to keep everyone unconscious. Charlie decided it would be best to keep her incapacitated until help arrived, so he used it on her."
"So, is this really over?" I asked hesitantly.
"The worst is over. We still have to deal with her trial, but I don't think Victoria will see freedom again."
I couldn't explain the relief I felt when I realized we wouldn't have to worry about who was hiding around the corner anymore. Bella and I could live our lives in peace. I couldn't wait to get home and enjoy time with my love.
"Speaking of freedom, how long do I have to stay here?"
"Now that we no longer have you sedated, I would like to keep you here overnight for observation. If there are no complications, then you will be released tomorrow around noon. Please get some rest." Carlisle patted my shoulder and left Bella and me alone.
Bella grabbed my hand and broke down crying. "Edward, I was so scared when Emmett called and told us what happened. I was a mess when we finally made it to the hospital. You were still in surgery when we made it here. That was the longest three hours I've ever had to endure."
I gently stroked Bella's hair. I very gently and slowly moved over to make room for Bella to crawl next to me in the bed. "Bella, please come here."
"Edward, I can't. I'll hurt you," she whimpered.
"No you won't. Please, I need to hold you."
Bella hesitantly climbed in bed next to me. I held my arms open, and she gently curled into my side. Yes, it did hurt a bit, but I held back the wince and wrapped my arms around her. I already felt a hundred times better having her wrapped in my arms. I let out a contented sigh and drifted off to sleep.
It took me three weeks to finally start to feel human again. I spent those weeks only leaving the apartment to attend my labs and take tests. My professors were very understanding and graciously set up a virtual classroom for me. Skype totally saved my academic career that semester. After my check up that third week, Carlisle released me to return to class.
My dreams were getting better. I had nightmares the first few weeks after my encounter with Victoria. I continued to see Dr. Young. She helped me work through my issues, and I was finally able to sleep without nightmares. I would still have an occasional nightmare, but it was nothing for me to lose sleep over.
Life slowly returned to normal. Alice dragged Bella out of the apartment every chance she could to work on wedding arrangements. We had the date set for July 18, and Alice was frantic. She complained that we hadn't given her enough time to plan the perfect wedding. I was so proud of Bella the day she set Alice straight.
"Bella," Alice whined.
"No, Alice. The date is set. We're getting married on the eighteenth of July and that is final." Bella crossed her arms over her chest.
"There is no way I can plan a proper wedding in that short amount of time. I need at least a year." Alice pulled out the Cullen pout. I chuckled. Alice had no idea that pout had no effect on Bella. She'd grown immune to it over the last few weeks. I'd used it too many times on her.
"You might as well give up now, Ali. Bella isn't going to budge, and I don't want to wait five months, let alone another year and a half to marry Bella."
Alice stuck her tongue out at me. "You two are the most stubborn people I know. Fine, I'll deal with only five months. I have so much work to do. I need to call the caterer, the printer, and the top designers to set up rush appointments."
"Stop right there, Mary Alice," Bella sneered.
"Excuse me, Isabella Marie, is there a problem?" Alice hated it when people used her full name.
"Yes. I don't need a caterer, printer, or designers. The whole states of Oregon and Washington will not be invited to my wedding. We are having a simple ceremony in the meadow behind the house. I only want family and close friends to attend. I refuse to wear some extravagant dress in the forest."
Alice rolled her eyes. "Bella, you still need invitations and food for the reception. I don't expect you or Mom to cook anything for this wedding. Get over it. We will be seeing a caterer. I will not bend on that."
"Fine. I'll agree to the caterer, but I want to make the invitations myself." Alice hesitantly nodded her head in agreement.
Since that day I had spent most of my days during the weekend studying alone or watching movies or sports with the guys. I missed Bella during the times she was gone.
"Dude, you need to quit moping. Bella's only been gone for an hour." Emmett shook his head in disbelief.
"Emmett, I only get to see her a few hours in the evening before we have to go to bed, so I hate the fact that Alice and Rose steal her away during the weekends. I can't wait until this wedding is planned and life can get back to normal."
"Edward, I can't wait for you to finally get married. Alice is driving me crazy at home. All she ever talks about is this damn wedding. You'd think she was the one getting married. Alice is so immersed in it that she dreams about it. I want my life to get back to normal too." Jasper huffed.
"Sorry, man. I didn't think about what it was doing to you too."
We had just settled onto the couch with pizza and beer when the front door flew open. Alice ran into the apartment and threw herself onto Jasper.
"Ali, baby, I'm happy you're back, but what the hell?" Jasper gasped.
"Sorry, I'm just so happy. We found the perfect dresses for the wedding today. I can't wait to show you." Alice gave Jasper a quick kiss on his cheek and turned to glare at me. Uh oh. What the hell had I done now?
Bella and Rose walked into the room smiling and laughing. Bella sat down on the floor in front of me and laid her head on my knee.
"Edward, I found the perfect dress today. Do you know what that means?" she asked, batting her eyelashes.
"Not really."
Bella rolled her eyes. "No more wedding weekend trips with Alice."
I breathed a sigh of relief. "So, do I get to see this perfect dress?" The thought of seeing Bella in a beautiful white dress was making me smile.
"Absolutely not! That dress will be in my closet until the day of the wedding. You will not catch a glimpse of it until Bella walks down the aisle to you." Alice jumped off Jasper's lap, grabbed two garment bags, and rushed out the door.
Alice left Bella alone once the dresses were purchased. Bella and I were falling into a comfortable routine. We spent our days in classes and our evenings studying. The weekends were our time to relax and just be a happy couple. It was nice not having to worry about who was watching us or wanted to hurt us.
It was mid March when we received a call that shocked both of us. Carlisle had been able to arrange a meeting with Drew Sinclair. Her doctor agreed that the news of James's death and Victoria's arrest could only help her progress in her treatment. Bella couldn't wait to meet her and let her know that she was safe and they would never harm her again.
This meeting was about more than Drew's peace of mind. Her testimony was going to be crucial in prosecuting Victoria. The bodies of her family were found buried by the cabin in Forks, there was no concrete evidence linking Victoria to the actual crime. Her confessions to me were considered here say and therefore inadmissible in court. Drew's positive identification of Victoria as one of her captors would allow her to be charged with aggravated first degree murder. Murder while committing robbery, rape, kidnapping, or arson and murder of more than one person were considered aggravated circumstances for aggravated first degree murder. If Drew could identify Victoria as one of her kidnappers, then those charges should stick. Aggravated first degree murder was punishable by death.
The attorney for the state was anxious to talk with Drew. Her doctors refused him. They wanted to see how she handled the news from Bella before they agreed to any form of interrogation from attorneys. If Victoria was convicted and sentenced to death, she would be the first woman on death row in the state of Washington. This case, if won, would put the lucky bastard who prosecuted it in the position to do whatever he wanted with his career.
Bella and I sat in a little room at the West Seattle Psychiatric Hospital waiting to see Drew. Bella was so nervous that her foot was bouncing up and down frantically.
"Bella, please calm down. You're going to scare the poor girl if she walks in and she sees you wired up like this." I kissed the top of her head and placed my hand on her knee to stop the bouncing. Bella gave me a small smile of appreciation before the door opened and a tiny girl walked in and took a seat.
Drew could've been Bayleigh's twin. It was very creepy. Drew was extremely thin and had dark purple circles under her eyes. It had obviously been a long time since she had a good night's sleep. She kept her hands in her lap and her head hung low.
Bella cleared her throat and decided to be the first to speak.
"Hi, my name is Bella Swan and this is my fiancé, Edward. I know that you don't know who we are-"
"I know who you are, Bella," Drew interrupted. "He told me all about you. Why are you here? I just want to be left alone."
"He's dead," Bella whispered.
Drew's head shot up, her eyes wide. "When? How? Are you sure?"
"Yes. He was killed by a police officer in December. We were there when it happened, so we are positive that he is dead and won't hurt any of us ever again." Drew's eyes teared up as she absorbed the news I had just given her.
"What about the woman?" she asked timidly.
"The police arrested her in late January." Bella spoke up this time.
"So, this is really over?"
"Yes and no. She still has to stand trial. Bella and I will be testifying against her, but they only have enough evidence to charge her with aggravated assault. With your help, the charges could be upped to a capital offense and she could get the death penalty. If she's convicted of aggravated assault, then she will eventually be released from prison."
I could see the terror in her eyes when Drew thought about Victoria eventually being released from prison. Obviously, Vickie was involved extensively in the torture of Drew and her family.
"What would I need to do?" Her voice cracked. She was on the verge of losing control.
"You would need to pick her out of a line up and then give your statement to the attorney handling the case. Once she's charged and brought to trial, you would need to testify in court. Your testimony is the key. With it, they can up her charges to a capital offense."
Drew took in a shaky breath and lowered her head to the table. All of this information seemed to be overwhelming her. She sat like that for ten minutes before she finally sat back up.
"This hospital is the only place I've felt safe since they ripped my life away from me. I don't want to spend my entire life locked away in here. I want to have a life. I want to fall in love and start a family. If there is a possibility that that woman could one day be free and come back for me, then that won't happen."
Drew continued. "I want this nightmare to end. I'm terrified to face her, but at the same time I'm terrified not to do this. Please let the attorney know that I will do my best to help. Thank you so much for telling me about this. I'm sorry we had to meet under such horrible circumstances."
"Drew, can I come back and visit you? I would like the chance to get to know you better. I would like to have someone to talk to who understands what I've been through. You are the only other person besides Edward and my brother who gets it." Bella walked to the other end of the table and knelt down in front of Drew as she spoke.
"I would like that. I'm so tired of talking to doctors all the time. It would be nice to have a friend."
Bella and Drew hugged each other, and Drew quietly left the room. Bella threw her arms around me and melted into my embrace.
"We may finally see an end to this horrible nightmare."
Drew easily identified Victoria as one of her captors. The state rushed the proceedings, and Victoria was brought to trial by the end of May. We all had our day in court and told our horror stories to the jury. The jury was visibly shaken when Bella and Drew had both finished their testimonies.
The trial lasted three weeks, and it only took the jury two hours to deliberate. The jury had no problem coming up with a unanimous guilty vote. The only reason they took two hours was because they went back over the evidence to be certain they made the right decision. I appreciated the care they took to ensure the proper verdict was made.
We showed up one last time the following week for her sentencing hearing. We all were able to speak our piece to the judge to aid in his decision of her sentence. I didn't know whose testimony was more heart-wrenching, Bella’s or Drew’s. Both of them lost so much at the hands of James and Victoria. I could see the tears forming in the judge's eyes as he listened to how Victoria destroyed both of their lives. Once the victim's pleas were heard, the judge took no time to deliberate. He quickly sentenced Victoria to death. The look of relief on Bella's face after Victoria's sentencing was overwhelming. She looked so free.
The weeks following Victoria's conviction flew by in a whirlwind. The news was making a huge deal about Victoria being the first woman on death row in Washington. Victoria was causing quite a scandal talking about the choice of hanging or lethal injection. The state of Washington was the only state with an active gallows. A condemned prisoner had their choice of the execution. If they refused to choose, then lethal injection was the choice of the state. 1994 was the year they last hanged an inmate. Victoria kept playing with the media saying she couldn't decide which she would choose should her appeals be denied.
Alice, Rose, and Bella were busy making the final preparations for the wedding. Of course that also meant we guys were busy running all over Portland keeping Alice happy. The closer it got to July 18, the happier I got and the more nervous Bella got. Her life was so consumed with the wedding that she was dreaming and talking in her sleep about it.
The day of the wedding was complete chaos. Bella stayed the night at my parent's house with Alice and Rose. I stayed at our apartment. Alice kept calling me reminding me grab things she'd told me to bring the week before. She refused to let me even speak to Bella. The stupid tradition said I couldn't see her. It said nothing about talking to her. Alice was taking it to the extreme.
Charlie, Tommy, and Bayleigh were pulling up to the house at the same time I was. I was truly happy to be joining their family. Charlie was such a loyal and loving father. That day fishing with him was a wonderful day. We truly bonded and had been close ever since.
Tommy and Bayleigh had only grown closer throughout the whole ordeal with Victoria. Tommy even asked me for advice on proposing to Bayleigh. I told him to at least wait until he was out of high school before he did that. He hesitantly agreed and ended up giving her a promise ring. There was no doubt in my mind they would live a long happy life together.
"So, Edward, you nervous about today?" Charlie asked as he clapped me on the back.
"Not at all, Charlie. I've never been more certain about anything in my life," I smiled.
"Good answer, son,"
There were only two hours before the ceremony was scheduled to begin, and the guests would start showing within the next hour. I quickly put on my tux and headed to the meadow to practice my new piece I wrote for Bella. We both decided we wanted to express our love in our own way for the wedding. I had no idea what she had planned. I wrote this piece to express my love and joy over marrying the woman of my dreams. I just hoped she liked it.
Alice really outdid herself putting together this wedding. She had a piano airlifted to the meadow so I could play for Bella. The meadow was full of white wooden folding chairs divided in half by a red runner for the center aisle. Bella and I would be standing under a wooden arch that was covered in ivy and roses. It was simple and elegant.
I was lost in my music when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up into the sparkling eyes of my father.
"Edward, the guests have started arriving. Are you ready for this?"
I took in a deep breath. "I've been ready for this for the past six months. Let's get this party started."
Dad just laughed and shook his head. "I'm very proud of the wonderful man you've become. You will be a wonderful husband to Bella and a great father one day." Dad gave me a quick hug and headed to the meadow entrance to greet the guests.
Only fifty invitations were sent out for our wedding to our family, closest friends, and a few of Dad's colleagues from the hospital. We wouldn't have been able to fit many more people than that in the meadow.
Once the girls made it to the front, I took in a deep breath and looked to the entrance. Bella was standing there looking beyond amazing. She was wearing a floor-length white gown. It was a straight dress rather than a puffy, full one. The top was simple with an intricate bead design covering the bust. A silk ribbon tied just below her breasts. The rest of the dress flowed free from that point. Her hair was curled and flowing down her back. The sides were pulled up and held with crystal combs, and she wore a simple white veil. She looked stunning.
Charlie and Tommy both escorted her down the aisle. Her eyes found me the moment she stepped into the meadow and never left mine. Her beauty took my breath away. They carefully maneuvered their way down the aisle and I let out a sigh of relief when they were standing before me.
Father Garrett said an opening prayer and a few words about the holy bond of marriage before we got down to business.
"Who gives this woman to be wed?" Father Garrett asked.
"Her brother and I do," Charlie said proudly. The smile on his face told me he was happy to be giving his daughter to me. Charlie and Tommy both took turns hugging Bella and kissing her on the cheek before giving me her hand. Her smile grew when she was standing before me and looked into my eyes.
Father Garrett went through the usual vows and exchanging of rings. He kept the ceremony simple. Once we exchanged rings he announced that we both had a special "vow" for each other. Bella chose to go first. She was afraid she would be crying too much if I went first.
"Edward, I express myself best through writing. I wrote this poem for you."
I was broken, just a shell.
I felt like I had no soul.
My life had become a living hell
Existing in a black hole.
Then you came into my life.
You were a bright shining light.
You took away my pain and strife.
There was no darkness, no more night.
You protected me and kept me calm.
You drove away all my fears.
You always kept me safe from harm
And wiped away my tears.
When evil showed its ugly face
You never ran away.
You firmly put it in its place
My hero who saved the day.
I didn't think I could love you more
Until you asked me to be your wife.
We share a love so true and pure
And now you'll share my life.
I fall in love a little more each day.
Happiness fills my heart.
Deep down inside I hope and pray
That we'll never be apart.
My heart started beating when I met you.
My life is now fulfilled.
You're the reason for all I say and do.
I love you, Edward, and I always will.
I was stunned by the beautiful words Bella had written. I couldn't stop the tear that ran down my cheek. Bella wiped it away and squeezed my hands. I quickly composed myself and spoke to Bella.
"Bella, I express myself best through music. I wrote a composition that expresses my undying love and devotion for you. I just want you to know that I find my strength to carry on knowing that you love me."
I situated myself at the piano and began my song for Bella. I poured my heart and soul into every note I played. By the time I played the final note, there wasn't a dry eye in the audience. I looked up to see Bella smiling with tears streaming down her face. I quickly made my way back to her side and wiped away her tears.
"By the power invested in my by God and the State of Washington, I now pronounce you man and wife. What God has joined together, let no man put asunder. You may now kiss the bride." Father Garrett smirked.
I pulled Bella into my arms and kissed her gently, yet passionately. I wanted her to know how happy I was that she was now my wife. Once our lips touched, there was cheering all around us. I finally pulled away from Bella and couldn't stop the huge smile on my face from forming.
"It's my pleasure to present to you for the first time Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cullen." I wrapped Bella's hand around my arm and we walked out of the meadow together.
I couldn't describe to you the sheer joy I felt walking out of the meadow with Bella at my side. We had been through so much in such a short time. Falling in love was a lot on its own, but when you factor in confronting two psychopaths with it, you've got a movie of the week. No matter what life threw at us this past year, we handled it together. I felt a sudden rush of relief knowing that Bella and I would face everything together. We entered the meadow two separate people but were leaving it together, two halves of a whole finally united.
Life was finally perfect and I couldn't wait to live it with my wife.
The poem in the chapter was written by Birdee. Thanks so much for coming up with it.
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